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Past projects

You can see all my released films below. Below that, there are some exciting future projects that you can help bring to life.

Out of the Past

Twenty years after her family was ripped apart, a soon-to-be mother confronts her estranged father.

10 mins | Drama |

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Home from the war, a veteran marine contemplates suicide and a kind stranger opens her heart and shares her grief.

4 mins | Drama |

Best Actor - London Indie Short Festival
Best Original Score - Cinema WorldFest A

Flirting at Gunpoint

Ex-lovers and hired assassins, a couple flirt with death in a game of revenge and betrayal.

10 mins | Action comedy |

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I Am Afflicted

Awkward and self-conscious, a young executive rejects a promotion and the CEO questions his motives.

3 mins | Drama |

Future Projects

Future Projects

If you're interested in working with me and getting involved in any of the below projects, don't hesitate to get in touch. I am always on the lookout for talented collaborators and am open to discussing new opportunities and ideas.

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Decisions in the Deep

An injured sailor is stuck inside a stranded submarine, with a plummeting air supply. He desperately tries fixing the radio to call for rescue. Why is he wounded and what happened to his missing crewmate?

Type: short film
Status: festival run

Mockumentary concept poster: Snow Gone, directed by Raki Ralko

Snow Gone

In the future a nostalgic journalist searches the Antarctic for the last remnants of snow, but fake news and a tropical climate turns reality upside down.
Type: mockumentary
Status: script draft

Short film concept poster: Is This Man Bothering You, directed by Raki Ralko

Is This Man Bothering You?

Obsessed with love, afraid of rejection, a lonely nerd crosses the line and becomes his own macho nightmare.
Type: short film

Status: concept only

Feature film concept poster: Rainbowcountry, directed by Raki Ralko


Seeking a better, more fulfilling life, a woman and her young family move from Belgium to Mauritius, but her mind unravels and the island dream turns sour.

Type: feature film

Status: novel rights acquired, no script yet

Short film concept poster: After the Lighthouse, directed by Raki Ralko

After the Lighthouse

Crippled by vertigo, an impoverished young woman is determined to take control of her life. But it’s a long way down and her job is on the line.
Type: short film
Status: script complete

Short film concept poster: Chicken Slaughter, directed by Raki Ralko

Chicken Slaughter

A happy and successful chicken searches for the meaning of life, only to find that it was bred and raised by humans for slaughter. After experiencing a transformative identity crisis, she realises that life is just as meaningful, regardless of why she was brought into this world
Type: short film

Status: concept only

Mockumentary concept poster: Girl's Best Friend, directed by Raki Ralko

Girl's Best Friend

A teenage girl follows her dream and becomes a horse. But life under the saddle provides a shocking new perspective as she feels the pain of the whip and the loneliness outside of training. When her screams are ignored, rebellion becomes her only option.
Type: mockumentary
Status: concept only

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